miércoles, marzo 17, 2010

La noticia sobre la Huelga Nacional allende las fronteras

National Strike Begins in Mexico, Police Respond With Violence

SME Members Defend Themselves and Continue to Block Their
Former Workplaces

by Kristin Bricker

At noon on March 16, the Mexican Electrical Workers Union went on an
indefinite strike, and unions all over the country went on strike with
them. Electricians hung black and red banners across the entrances of
their former workplaces, refusing to allow anyone to enter or leave
the buildings. The actions occurred at all of the former Luz y Fuerza
del Centro (LyFC) buildings in Mexico City, Mexico State, Puebla,
Hidalgo, and Morelos. Actions in solidarity with the SME occurred in
at least 21 other states. In addition to hanging strike banners on
former LyFC buildings, supporters blocked major federal highways, took
over government buildings, and held rallies. A significant number of
the blockades remain, particularly in central Mexico.

At least two SME actions outside LyFC buildings were violently
repressed when Federal Police (PFP) attempted to prevent the SME from
hanging its strike banners. However, in both instances the SME and
supporters repelled the police and hung their strike banners.

Read more: http://mywordismyweapon.blogspot.com/2010/03/national-strike-begins-in-mexico-police.html

Kristin Bricker

Freelance journalist / periodista freelance

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