miércoles, febrero 04, 2009

Lopez Obrador continues his challenge to Mexico's status quo with tour of west and north

by Kent Paterson

In many ways, Lopez Obrador’s movement complements separate mobilizations planned by farmers’ and other social movements, including the possible blockade of international bridges on the Mexico-U.S. border at the end of this month to protest Mexico’s ongoing agricultural crisis and food dependency.

Posted on January 25, 2009

Capping off a January swing through northern and western Mexico, opposition leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador drew tens of thousands of followers to a Jan. 25 rally in Mexico City’s Zocalo square. The
purpose of the ex-presidential candidate’s latest rally was to launch a new movement aimed at defending popular economic interests in a time of
deepening crisis.

“Today, there is suffering because of unemployment, high prices, poverty, insecurity and violence, but above all, there is an uncertainty that is beginning to manifest itself as anxiety and frustration,” Lopez Obrador said in a speech. “All of this exists in an environment of instability, indolence, incapacity, and cynicism on the part of the authorities.”

The Mexico City demonstration followed a tour that took Lopez Obrador, or “El Peje” as he is frequently called, to numerous stops in the states of Chihuahua and Jalisco, where the former Mexico City mayor spoke about migration, economic troubles, violence and insecurity, youth problems, and the U.S.-Mexico relationship in the era of new U.S. President Barack

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